Human Development by Leveraging -- Perception

By Ron O. Cook

Mankind languishes against the chaos of issues that impact present human learning-curve dynamics. We want to make inculcation of wisdom more positive for our society, our children and their futures, but with the establishment of each new government program, coalition, or select committee we only skirt around the real issues that curse humanity's lack of interest. To look into ourselves for deeper truth, seems to strike fear in most of us. Because of socialistic and liberal government, our society has turned away from personal responsibility seeking a free ride instead.   The tacit infrastructure, what some call the "informational float" (the media portrayed standards or political correctness and social manipulation) has made the rhetorical discrepancies of this "secret subject"(Truth that lies within our own selves) taboo to public discussion. Why?

Secret subjects include the void, life and death, existence, the continuum, male and female secret desires (fantasies), evil, and the many guilt-filled fears that no one person can articulate. We think our major desire is to be loved and perhaps that constant search for meaning remains in powerful control of all we survey and accomplish in life. Man desires recognition and therein lies the root to selfishness. Preoccupation with the self starts the first negative route to living the eternal illusion. Most peoples of Earth little realize the depth of our existence/s.  

Perhaps we are too caught up in desire. Early on, we use all the tools to position for this ultimate feeling (desiring the validation of others), and for some of us more assertive beings, it requires brute force or just being "cute" in order to get results. Riding an on-board-talent leveraged by sheer selfishness, eventually gets us away from accomplishing the higher goals that we should be born to through our own spiritual effort. Most of us forget that spirit stuff and just look for cute babes or hunks. We begin to buy into the "flip" illusion that pop culture positions as the ultimate attainment.

Some say the avoidance of the "unspeakables" start before birth, others say the condition starts early in babyhood; whenever, the fact that some human entities receive massive reinforcement for "cuteness" is evident within virtually every aspect of American and worldy culture. One needs only to observe the shopping malls to see cuteness in action. Being cute is a condition or curse that some of us are born with. It is having the looks and actions of expressiveness built within our needs to be loved or shown that we exist and are worthy in the Other's eye. Show biz, entertainment and advertising are the prime talents for most showoffs. Being cute is having beauty and attraction plus knowing how to use it to goad and garner attention.  

It (showing off) is neither masculine nor feminine, but is a preoccupation of both genders. Over the history of being cute, it has been predominate within the domain of one gender at different times.   As of the writing of this paper, the jury is currently out on which sex is more cute than the other.   Our obsession with this quality represents the basic sickness of this present society, no matter who is to blame. Being cute is illusory...because it is built upon creating behavior, images or events through ulterior motives or false play for the selfish gratification of the human entity at the expense of the Other.

Mirrored in our society are the entities who seek to be as cute as they were when they were babies. Many position themselves in life's arena through outward appearances, verbiage, body-language, expression, role playing and even behavior that is the very reflection of early childhood. Baby like characteristics are emulated everywhere by supposedly intelligent and consenting adults even into old age. "Oh, how cute they are."  

Ancient   myth states that humanity became manifest or stuck in a physical form because the "Archetype" (our ancestor(s) saw its reflection in the waters of the Earth and fell in love with its own image, then the matter rose to wrap itself around the spirit form thereby trapping the spirit in the manifest world. The tree of "the knowledge of good and evil" also caused a deep reflection upon the self, thus causing mankind's expulsion from paradise. Is "cuteness" the worship of the self? Have we made too much of this sickness?

Self and Object

As parents we start the cuteness syndrome in the child by cooing, and pampering them with our over-exuberant, though true, feelings of love -- we want them to love only us, but our pride is also involved. If the baby is beautiful, then that amplifies the worth of the parents. We are gratified with the added power that a cute little bundle-of-joy brings to our "leveraged" positioning for prestige and honor in life.   So much is built on pleasing looks so we reinforce an aberrant mindset to seek the best image possible.   

No parent really realizes that an over-reinforcement of cuteness is destined to create a spoiled brat that is only energized by adulation and fawning from others. Deepness is co-opted by shallowness. Cute kids (and adults) not only want love, they learn to demand it or else! Tantrums evolve into techniques of emotional blackmail as grown-ups seek to maintain and reinforce advanced cuteness. Already-cute parents beget cute babies and compound the narcissism that breeds a greedy society locked into the undeniable law of consequence -- Karma or Divine Providence.

Cuteness is in the eye of the observer and in the mind's-eye of the observed. Our brains have become inundated with criteria that culturally positions us to seek to be alluring or associate with others who are. If we are not beautiful, then some of us use illusions to broadcast a package or shell that is commonly accepted as cute-enough. Advertising and the media play upon society's compulsive obsession for an edge through image-posturing. Advertising and propaganda are the personification of human illusion. Not only do our parents or peers reinforce being illusive, but so do all other aspects of social public schools.

Currently our nation's schools are a forum for the purveyance of "the society of cute." Ninety percent of our teachers are practitioners and participators of the social experience that is hell-bent on achieving a degree of cuteness for themselves and their favored students. Programs are dedicated to reinforcing sagging egos needing an injection of cuteness ("self-esteem" projects).   These programs which reinforce "poor-me-ism", "guilt tripping" and false play among our youths, solidifies into the polarizing of society. Tools are made of these coddling-devices to control mankind politically.

The privileged and the ugly become junkies to having or achieving cuteness any way they can. It becomes an opiate to their minds and they are trapped in the great society. The society of cuteness does not want their group/s to learn through sufferance or taking responsibility for building truth within themselves. Deference to "the society" is taken for granted by their membership... a cultish air is theirs to breathe.

Since this obsequious conditioning requires of participants a mutualism of flattery and sensitivity to favorite causes, collusion runs rampant in our schools. Cute people position themselves as ultra-unique, and in their mutually fantasizing minds they are. Adulation from others is needed to stoke their egos; consequently, you will find most high school and university students are involved in social intercourse and the fruits thereof, rather than learning truths.  

Most kids will do just about anything to be accepted by their peer groups or others. To become knowledgeable is only cursory to their agendas. Some students find happiness in the sports, band or dance teams -- they serve as forums for their campaigns of cuteness or social worthiness. It seems everyone wants to identify with the elitist-cute or those positioned by word of mouth or the media as being "in" (like the pandered stars of Hollywood).   

Once a student gets a reputation for being cute, he/she could be in for a perpetuation of the process that only gets more acute as they go along. Cuteness can lead to any high position if you have the backing of others for whom the "image" means "cute-bucks" and social status. Politics is a great attraction for persons made of the above formula (some are stars but not statesmen).   Popularity and the psyche of an extrovert are next to being independently wealthy. Of course this is always accomplished at the expense of those not so cute.  "Haves" are cute, but "have-nots" are usually anathema.

For decades, America and the World has been engulfed by the psychology of cute which sells the painted or feigned smile as its mark of the ultimate sophisticate. It is in truth a grimace. In animals a grimace is an expression of a dog lying on its back. In humanity it is usually a fake concession designed to reap more attention or assist in leveraging. If we humans constantly position, in order to make our lives easier, through illusory methods, we are conceding for unjustified gain.   We are playing games falsely.  

Many of our teachers, students and the public in general, have spent a lifetime learning how to hype the world through "cute" insincere methods, rather than face up to our responsibilities through knowledge and wisdom.   If we take away all the false-play techniques of a cute personality, what remains of the individual...Illusions(?) -- which are nothing.

Those who collude among their kind are wrapped up in their cuteness and seek to spread their selfishness out of guilt. Those of this society love corroboration of their actions and will marshal every forum of reinforcement to see that their kind survive. Misery loves company. What they are really looking for is love, and cuteness, they think, once meant that. Contrasted against the selfless, if they can be found in today's world, the selfish takes on the mask of the destroyer.   Their baggage is almost unbearable. For the seeker of Truth, life takes on a placid state, unaffected by attempts at selfish leveraging.  

Subconsciously the truth is always present for the seeker of Truth. He is involved in the power of knowing the "Other" which usually amounts to finding love. The seeker knows that the inner being must be awakened and that involves putting away the noise of the illusion. Looking past the self and bringing the empowerment of LOVE to our future generations just might re-establish how learning should be truth. Our humanity will never survive otherwise.

In his book, The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav saw how humanity nullifies its potential positive power by playing upon the dynamics of the split between love and fear. He states as follows:

"The human emotional system can be broken down into roughly two elements: fear and love.   Love is of the soul. Fear is of the personality. The illusion of each personality is generated by and sustained by the emotions that follow fear, such as anger, rage, vengefulness, hatred, jealousy or envy, loneliness spite, sorrow, despair, grief, regret, greed, lust, arrogance, alienation, self-pity, lethargy, guilt, resentment, and feelings of inferiority and superiority. Emotions such as these lead to corresponding behaviors, such as selfishness -- toward people and animals and the Earth and the kingdoms of the Earth--and using others in the many ways that humans use one another... commercial, sexually, emotionally...and lying, manipulation, violence, brutality, impatience, ridicule, and judgment."

Zukav, also wrote The Dancing Wu Li Masters, a book that has made many seekers of knowledge start the pathway to a higher playing field of awareness. Why is the philosophy and tradition of the above not a part of our public educational offering. All knowledge should be in the offing for the sake of an advanced civilization...religion included. We should have the freedom to teach, especially the above because it is indeed what brought us to this point in history.

Freud verses Jung brings us to a study of positive and negative results of being. Is selfishness positive or negative?

Narcissistic theorist and their findings are usually targeted to your "rights" and your feelings about existence within our national experience of liberty. Notice the word "your." Most of the psychology used to back up the politically correct (P C) strategy utilized most by the liberally-oriented factions of our democracy are based on "Freudian" Psychology. (Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939, was the founder of Psychoanalytic movement). Freud's influence via his theories of neuroses and leveraging via sexuality (normal and abnormal) gradually gained favor among the politically minded and intellectual elite because of its power to mentally manipulate and interface with the human psyche. His works, such as Civilization and its Discontents, (1930) had immense impact on the modern strategy of social engineering via politically correct propaganda.

Freud's audacity of leveraging sex into the open gave extroverts just the tools they needed for their social reinforcement. Now his socially accepted theory seems to reinforce the self-aspects rather than living with society through Love (though they have attempted to destroy the meaning of that word too).

  Freud's theories break down the linkage between the "me"(self) and the "object" (other - all of life outside, the "me") perception of being. With today's emphasis on me-ism, self-esteem, self-realization self-actualization and the emotional/feeling paradigm that is currently a topic of conversation, our nation faces the prospects of total division through narcissistic elitism.   Now lawyers are aligning with the psychoanalytic movement and making new laws as they collude their way into higher and higher government positions.  

With every person out for themselves, what hope is there for a nation of people to face financial hardship and emotional challenge by accepting responsibility for their government, themselves and their families? Without social character and morals, a nation dies. In view of the programming we are getting on the propaganda machine (the national media elite), is it any wonder why gangs, crime, drugs, graft, divorce, child abuse, and on and it any wonder, why our national character needs a new point-of-view?

Danah Zohar, in her book The Quantum Self, reflects on the power of narcissism as built upon by Freudian Psychology and how it can destroy human psyche if inculcated into a reason for behavior. This foray into liberal thinking (victimization) seems to sidetrack a being's positive pathway toward human development. She suggests that the liberalism which saw its amplification in the 1960s was and is a result of the Freudian instruction and theory of being, found so prevalent at most major universities then and now.  

Zohar states that: "The consequent selfishness, shallowness, alienation, and downright unhappiness of all these cosseted individuals (1960s self-awareness movement) are familiar concerns to many of us in our daily lines. The sad irony here is that in a culture that lays so much stress on the individual, his own sense of personal worth and power is so diminished. As many psychologists have noted, narcissism is more about self-hatred than self-love, and is commonly associated with feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, personal disintegration, and pent-up rage.   These symptoms are the source of a great deal of social tension and personal pain, and have generated a whole popular literature that includes books like Lasch's THE CULTUURE OF NARCISSISM and more recently, Allan Bloom's THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND.   Both describe in graphic detail the side effects of too much emphasis on what I would call the particle (as opposed to wave - physics) side of our being."

Zohar's words then take us into a direction that humanity could have embraced rather than the Freudian way, with the theories of Freud's colleague, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). The great Swiss psychiatrist's works seem to not only comprehend Freud's theories but also go beyond and then back to the ancient traditions as well. Jung's works in analytic psychology included the total being and his/her relationship to the universe. His studies of consciousness and spirituality reminds me of the work of the ancient Bodhisattva (he, who has attained the All), the Buddha-Gautama. In the same vein, his work also parallels the fresh new ideas of today's modern physicists. Jung even predicted that nuclear physics and consciousness would someday merge in a kind of transcendental discipline not unlike Danah Zohar's more recent theories of the quantum self. Jung, and later Zohar, saw the relationships between psyche and its influence on matter--"for how otherwise could it (mind) move (leverage) matter?"

Is Quantum Psychology - A Coherent Theory of Being? Danah Zohar, F. David Peat, -- plus many other awakening scientists of the present reality are perhaps on to discovering the crux of human existence by focusing on the "light" of quantum mechanical processes. Zohar's model of existence in the human consciousness is that the brain has two interacting systems. Coherency (synchronized jiggling of cell molecules) is accomplished with the Bose-Einstein condensate, which she associates with achieving levels of consciousness via the communication linkage of biophoton activity. The second is a computer-like linkage to the individual neurons of the brain.   It is a quantum mechanical model. She believes that this dual system acts as one unit giving us our view on reality without the need of a supernatural realm for science to have to address.   Perhaps she is on to at least how we interface with the laws of nature or the consequence of God's Being.

Peat, a physicist/philosopher, has written extensively on "be-ness" in this reality we call life.   In his book, The Philosopher's Stone, (1991), he plunges as deep as Zohar, Bohm, and others into the development of verbal and mathematical tools that interface with the Laws of Nature. He reinforces the interconnectedness of the universe via mind and matter and like the ancients, retells how the very atoms (pixels?) that constitute manifest existence, communicate via photons (radiation) in a conscious-like flux of movement. He too, sees the power of the eastern philosophies as they play off of western physics. Peat also believes, as does the traditions of the ancients, that chaos is but unperceived order. Perhaps his most interesting observations are stated below. They seem to reinforce the old concept of Karma or the Laws of Consequence for human participants.  

Read: Since the mind and body are deeply linked together, such a new wholeness will also spread to the body. Holistic meaning can therefore link people at all levels, from the mental to the physical and between a person and nature. Actions, conversation, decisions, and dreams emerge out of this resonance. And clearly, synchronicity would be one manifestation of this new type of activity.   

We can also envision such outflowing of meaning at the cellular level (DNA). Within such a dialogue is also the possibility that molecular transformation can become the appropriate response to an overall change in meaning within the environment.  

But disharmonious situations also exist in which the activity of a system is at odds with its surrounding environment. For example, conflict and division experienced by an individual can give rise to a very subtle form of damage to the brain. Just as subtle structures in the brain can respond to the ever-changing field of meaning in which they are embedded, so, too, a person whose levels of meaning are incoherent and confused will develop a brain that becomes increasingly insensitive. When mind and body are no longer in harmony, confused meanings enter the body and cause illness and disease. The result is a muted response to life and even bizarre, destructive and violent behavior.

F. David Peat's assumptions are corroborated by the ancient traditions, and contemporary research. Humans leverage their lives via deep seated causation that we must become aware of in order to better understand our reason for being. It appears that all this is wrapped up in a picture that we are just standing too close to, in an attempt to see the whole.

Leveraging and Collusion or Gestalt Love and Topsight -- these are all words designed to understand how we exist in positive or negative modality when in a physical state. The cursor of our very being rides the light of our decisions searching for a plus or minus verdict on each and every event sequence that confronts our soulular travel. So, how can we get a grasp of this existence built upon leveraging time and opportunity as it confronts the crest wave of phased space/time? What determines Good and Evil outcomes?

Imagine finding a point of observation that would let you see all that makes mankind and life understandable. Everything that has made us what we are would come into a focused-vision that would detail the total life-spectrum. This view would allow us to finally determine where we need to apply emphasis and utility in order to enhance the quality-of-experience for our own conscious beness.

Some call the above viewpoint "topsight." Its information to us should be gestalt (total) or all encompassing in character. Part of topsight's message could be that humanity becomes or progresses through reality as a result of utilizing tools of power and/or creativity.   This would get us from one event-sequence (special moment) to another, hopefully without losing status, position, or self-control in the process. Defeat would be possible through acceptance of fear, loneliness, the void, or nonexistence. Defeat would also make us a victim.

Humans use or leverage the tools of power to propel themselves from one or more event/s toward ever more complex event/s, thereby creating conscious movement through time and space. Human leveraging is accomplished through the utilization of a lens-of-sensual-understanding better known as a brain. It provides the input/output ability served by our five sensory connections to the physical world. In the manifest universe, we are what we know and what we communicate to and from the other aspects that complete the feedback-loop made up of the "me" and the "other." Humans leverage the "other" (everything outside of themselves) through the mental manipulation of illusions and truths and their relationships to power positioning. Humans usually accomplish this through strategy built upon self-gratification (false love), self-empowerment, survival or True Love for others.

Human power-vehicles already referred to earlier, are used as tools to leverage reality or matter in time and space. They are: violence, knowledge, love, friendship, beauty, wealth, social position, immortality (religion), and well being. The application of truth or illusion and selfishness verses lovingness as ingredients, can be built or included with any of the power-concepts to be leveraged by the human entity to produce manipulated results within the arena of

For most of us, education has been taught through a liberal arts curriculum centered around reward and punishment methods which reinforce the theories of behavioral modification, positive reinforcement and deference to authority (rather than earned respect). In its early days, this educational process produced satisfactory citizens because of the initial creative start.   In time, however, creativity wore down and collusion (self-oriented behavior) began to creep into the process. People sought increasing favors from their leaders and each other to satisfy their needs for increased acceptance and popularity in their social and business lives. It was a power thing.   As the participants began to expend as little energy as possible to get the most reward possible, leveraging through misinformation signaled the expansion of selfish/ulterior motives.  

Mutualism and permissivism became the habit of collusion as its tentacles began to pervade every power base in life. Increased pandering among certain segments of the population produced waves of support programs designed to reinforce insecure egos. Blind collusion creating polarizations became the method of elitists to usurp power from the naive. Networked collusion began to approach a kind of sick pollution that diffused creativity and true self-esteem because subconsciously, humanity knew it was living a self-manufactured illusion. This misinformational-life soon became the fashion while the liberal media used "peoplespeak" and pop culture to amplify the narcissistic message for power and political profit. Truth has since become hard to recognize because leveraged-illusion has expanded to meet an increasingly complex society or one that is confused by a saturation of complexity.

By propping-up and rewarding "poor-me-ism" through the illusion of kindness (which the transmitter / receiver knows is an illusive lie), this sickness begins to offer up a vision of the ultimate collusion of a self-centered, ergo lonely, populous expressing destructive behavior.   Humans today constantly require psychological reinforcement through the "mirroring" of each other for some sign of personal worth. Reinforced by "showy" positioning, via communicative exchanges of collusive activity, the universal lie expands so the participants feel needed. These persons constantly seek visual recognition and eventually become obsessed with posturing for adulation and fawning approval. Some exchange flattering remarks so as to "pump" each other up since they share a lie together.

As illusions grow, consciousness of the real world decreases. (Is this because self-oriented illusive life produces more social and personal consequences via living lies?)   People sense a feeling of, "is that all there is?" Individuals caught in this web become easy targets for human leveraging or manipulation through emotional-blackmail or guilt-trips used to modify their (all) behavior. Most humans know when they "have-been-had," except it is usually the next day or next year. Afterwards, they are either driven to lower esteem or to revenge through the threat or act of violence.

People living the leveraged-illusion has thus far produced most of our social problems including the lack of interest in our public school systems, because these practitioner's lives are built upon systems of collusive practice. Gangs, terrorists and other undesirables can proliferate in a world full of perpetuating lies. Perhaps the time has come to investigate a more creative approach to living life. Such a change would require of mankind the ability to rise in higher-ordered cognitive processes, which are not yet a part of human education. The introduction of such a collusiveless paradigm could usher in a realm of creative "topsight" and a life of a little more Love and Truth. But first, we must determine what positive and negative conduct produces Good and Evil in the Leveraging of a Virtual Life.


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